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Restorative Hope Ministry

Embrace a Life-Changing Journey! 


Regina Thomas's soul-stirring book, "Walking by Faith Swaddled in His Glory: A Journey of Self-discovery, Patience, Trust, and the Unmerited Favor of God," is now available on various platforms, including Amazon Books and Barnes & Noble! 


️Grab your copies now and embark on a path of self-discovery and unwavering faith! ️


 Paperback Edition: $7.99.          Hardcover Format: $17.99


 We're thrilled to announce that Regina Thomas's book will also be presented to mainstream traditional publishers! Let's rally behind her mission and support her incredible journey! 


 Get your copy today:

 The Ewings Publishing:                                  Amazon:              

 Paperback:          Paperback:

 Hardcover:           Hardcover:

 Barnes & Noble:




 Thanks to The Ewings Publishing, this transformative book is now more affordable than ever before! 


Don't miss out on this inspiring opportunity!

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